The Women’s Care Center is an in-house, six-month treatment program targeting drug & alcohol addiction. The ladies are not simply here for behavior modification – they are here for a heart change. They get a time out from the world to figure out who they are and how to be the woman that God created them to be. The schedule consists of Bible studies, life skill classes, counseling, coaching and even an arts & craft or jewelry making class.

There is plenty of structure and plenty of love. For some, they are learning for the first time what it feels like to be loved. They are learning how to heal and how to move forward. They are learning what it is like to be in a safe & healthy environment. They are learning balance and boundaries.
What are they giving up? Chaos! After clinically detoxing from drugs and/or alcohol, the ladies enter the Women’s Care Center ready for a change. Many will say they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. They throw out their cigarettes and vapes (yes, we are nicotine free). They turn in their cell phone and any other electronics that they may have. They have no contact with family members for the first 30 days. These ladies get to fully focus on themselves with no outside distractions.
For many, this is the first time to focus on their mental, physical and spiritual health! These ladies are finding God in the midst of their adversity, and lives are being changed! Women arrive feeling helpless and hopeless, and they leave as a new creation with a new beginning.
Strongholds are being broken, lives are being redeemed, and once again we realize that we serve a God of second chances! If you would like to learn more about the Women’s Care Center, or how you might partner with us either prayerfully or financially – contact our Women’s Care Center Director, Sherry Stewart, at (352) 787-8929.
CLICK HERE to give online or CLICK HERE to schedule a tour. #ccc #ChristianCareCenter #needy #meetingneeds #SharingChrist #livestransformed