“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13:2).
There is something precious about the love of strangers, but when strangers quickly turn into friends, it’s even more precious! At Samaritan Inn, it is a great joy to be able to host groups who want to love on our families and turn first-time meetings to meaningful connections.

This week we were blessed by one of these groups from a local church's youth group. Serving pizza and joining our families for dinner was only the start of a time filled with lots of food and fun. With full bellies, we all headed outside for some crazy games, that gave us even more chances to get to know one another. Even the adults got into the action!

Our splash pad area was overflowing with lots of laughter and it’s a fact that a lot of memories were made. We capped off our time together with a devotion given by one of the youths as well as sharing testimonies of God’s faithfulness! Before leaving, the group gave out treat bags that they had made especially for each of the children.
The group hadn’t even shut the gate or left the parking lot and already the Samaritan Inn kids were asking, “When are they coming back?”
So, please don’t think an event has to be fancy or frilly. You have a group…we have families to share with. We look forward to hearing from you.
For more information, please call 352-464-6382 or email Daryl@christiancarecenter.org