A couple of weeks ago, the Samaritan Inn was extremely blessed by over 119 Ladies from Village Park! James and Linda Williams led a drive that was able to bring in tons of donations to help support our ministry here at the Samaritan Inn. We celebrated by giving them a tour of our facility. In addition to the donations they brought, we also received a gift that will enable us to mulch the playground! It was a week that surely no one will ever forget as van after van poured in to drop off more donations.
We will never be able to thank you enough – from all of the families at the Samaritan Inn and the staff as well – we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the diligence and commitment you put forth to make this happen! May the Lord richly bless you. You have truly exemplified what it is to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Please pray for our ministry and all the other ministries on the Christian Care Center campus as we continue to meet needs and share Christ!

CLICK HERE to give online or CLICK HERE to schedule a tour. #ccc #ChristianCareCenter #needy #meetingneeds #SharingChrist #livestransformed