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Writer's pictureWanda Kohn, Pregnancy & Family Care Center Director

Troubled Marriage Finds Help

-written by Wanda Kohn, Director of our Pregnancy & Family Care Center

Sally came to us from a nearby county seeking baby clothes and diapers for her 1 and 3-year-old godchildren that she is now raising. While I was helping her, the conversation turned to her marriage and she admitted that she is now separated from her husband. I asked what happened, and she said that she is the disciplinarian for their 12-year-old granddaughter who they also care for as well as the two little godchildren, yet he doesn’t help her at all. In fact, they are at total odds over this situation, so she is “done” with him.

At the end of our time together, I reminded her of God’s order: first-the Lord, second-her husband, third-her children, and that it’s not ok with God for her to put her grandchild in front of her husband. I told her that although they do not have to leave things the way they have been, the answer is not divorce. They have 26 years invested in their marriage and should not just throw it away.

I gave her information on some online marriage series, including “Staying in Love” and “I marriage” and asked her to go through these and pray.

The next day I called her and asked her if she was ok, and that I realized I hit her pretty hard with the marriage thing. She said she thought about what I had said, and she called her husband and told him they would put things on hold for a while.

We do what we do at the Pregnancy & Family Care Center to minister to the whole person, not just to provide for material needs.

Please join us in praying for this family!

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