The Women’s Care Center is an in-house treatment program, targeting drug and alcohol addiction. The days are structured, and the ladies take part in about 35 hours of weekly class time. The classes are a combination of both Bible studies and life skill classes. The ladies also meet with an addiction’s counselor, life coach and nutrition coach. Not only do the ladies get the opportunity to grow their relationship with Jesus Christ, but they are also gaining tools to aid in conquering their addictions, relapse prevention, and truly learn how to be the women that God created them to be. They are working on become healthy spiritually, mentally and physically!
We always strive to meet the ladies where they are on their spiritual journey. Many of the ladies come to us without a clear understanding of the Bible and can feel overwhelmed at first. We have added the Kingstone Bible to our library. It has helped many with its comic graphic adaptation. It also provides Scriptural references at the bottom of the pages that refer to actual Biblical events. The women can compare the graphic interpretation with the actual words of Scripture. It has proven to be very beneficial to many ladies and actually fuel their interest in reading, meditating and understanding the Word.
They are creating new habits and learning how to have clean and sober fun. There is quite the transformation that takes place and that is what we are looking for! It all begins with a heart change. Being a part of this ministry is so rewarding; seeing the changes that takes place from the first day and the growth that follows is like having a front row seat to God in action!
Yes, God is doing mighty things at the Women’s Care Center! Hearts are being changed and lives are being transformed! How can you recognize a heart change? It starts with what they say and how they spend their time. If you would like to know more about the Women’s Care Center and hear some of the life-changing testimonies, contact Sherry Stewart, Women’s Care Center Director, at (352) 787-8929.