“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
The holidays around the Christian Care Center Men’s Residence can be a tough time of the year. These men have committed 32 weeks to our program in order to get their lives on track, so their families can have their father, their husband, and their loved one back. This means not being able to spend the holiday season together. But the love of God shines through the hearts of our wonderful community.

One of the blessings was our annual Christmas Stroll where the community came to see what God was doing here in the lives of these men. One mom, Amy Smalley, was already aware of the work God was doing here and has been very involved. She had sponsored many of our residents to go on the fall retreat, helps with their program costs, and has been a prayer partner for many of the ministries here at the Christian Care Center.

This year she brought her children to the Christmas Stroll, and I will never forget the words that came out of one her children “Mom thank you so much for bringing us here!” It was not just a few days later these children sacrificed an afternoon helping to write cards and stuff them with presents for the men in our program. It was a beautiful thing to see this family involve their children in ministry. To see the impact this has had on these children was a true blessing for all of us here. We commend the Smalley family for teaching their children the importance of serving those in need and for spreading the love of Jesus not just during Christmas, but throughout the year!