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Tom: A Life Transformed

Writer's picture: Lisa McMahonLisa McMahon

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 we read,

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!”

For those not familiar with the Christian Care Center, one might ask the question, what exactly goes on behind the doors of the Men’s Residence? The easiest simplest answer is to just say the old has gone and the new is here!

This week a gentleman named Tom will complete the program and move out. But this isn’t the same Tom that walked in the doors some seven and a half months ago. When Tom first came here, we didn’t know if this was the right place for him. We questioned if we could be of service to Tom because he was in such a bad condition physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Tom was considered blind; he forgot how to read and could not even put a sentence together. His family was overwhelmed with how he was living. It had even reached the point that Tom burned his home down while under the influence.

After interviewing Tom and much prayer, we decided to trust in God and allow Tom into our program. Immediately, we realized that our biggest concern was trying to imagine what Tom was going to do when he completed the program. But God!

You see, behind the doors of the Men’s Residence, God is transforming lives. God used this ministry and those who volunteer and live here to create a new creation in Tom. There were so many who poured themselves into Tom through one-on-one bible studies, classes, mentoring, doctors’ visits, and so forth. And as a result, one cannot look at Tom’s transformation and without seeing God’s work.

Tom has been memorizing scripture; he is reading better than ever; he is teaching others about Jesus; and he has even been working on his physical wellbeing. Tom has influenced many others to get outside and walk with him; however, the only problem is no one can keep up with him!

Tom has spent the last month volunteering at the First Baptist Thrift Store and been helping with the Benevolence truck picking up tons of donations to feed the community. He is planning on moving out this week into his own place and working on a farm like he prayed for.

We were once worried about whether or not Tom would be able to function, let alone live on his own. But now we are just floored by the transformation power that could only come from our Lord! This is not the old Tom leaving here; the new has come. Behind these doors of the Men’s Residence, God is transforming lives daily. These are not any changes that man could do on his own; this is all to the glory of God.

If you would like to find out how you could be a part of this ministry and have a front row seat to these transformations, please call 352-787-9904 to find out how.

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