The Samaritan Inn is a place called home by the families who have no other home due to life struggles or economic tragedies. In the midst of learning to apply God’s word to their spiritual, emotional, relational and financial lives, the moms, dads and kiddos get to build closer connections with one another. These precious times of sharing a meal or snacks, hearing God’s word, praying together and opening their hearts make Samaritan Inn a safe place of transition and transformation from brokenness and instability to wholeness and stability. Saturday evening get togethers have become a special time to grow closer to God and closer to one another and share lots and lots of yummy treats as well. We are so thankful that our residents have come to feel at home with us here at the Samaritan Inn. Please join us in praying for them as they continue to heal and become all that the Lord wants them to be!

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