Dear Father’s House Church Family,
Thank you for you remembering us during this time of uncertainty! Your diaper drive was a huge success bringing in 2,500 diapers/pull ups, as well as wipes, along with a few other items for the precious babies whose moms come to us for help. We really needed the larger size diapers and pull-ups, so what a great gift they were! Our clients really enjoy and benefit from our Earn-While-You-Learn program that allows them to learn about Jesus and Christian principals while at the same time receiving diapers and other baby items from us. This year, ten precious ladies have trusted in Christ as their Savior while six or more moms chose life instead of death for their unborn children!
Partnering with your church family is a wonderful way to serve those in our area, and it helps give us an opportunity to share the love of Jesus and the Gospel. Thank you, Lisa and Tanya, for coordinating this effort!
Defending Life,
Wanda Kohn, Director

To find out how you could host a diaper drive for our Pregnancy & Family Care Center, contact Wanda Kohn, Director of our Pregnancy & Family Care Center, at WandaKohn@ChristianCareCenter.org
CLICK HERE to give online or CLICK HERE to schedule a tour. #ccc #ChristianCareCenter #needy #meetingneeds #SharingChrist #livestransformed