Every year as the holidays roll around, it can be one of the toughest times for our families at the Samaritan Inn. Oftentimes, many of the families that live here don’t have anywhere to go to spend time with loved ones, so those within Samaritan Inn become their family.

One of the things that we really love about our staff and the vision we have for our ministry is to promote a gospel-centered environment and to make sure that the folks that live here understand that we love them as we love our own. So, this year on Thanksgiving we wanted to make sure that we provided them with a meal they would never forget.

Through various contributions within the community from the Sonny’s, Olive Garden, the Barriger Family, and Leslie and Don Kaiser, we were able to enjoy so much food! We are so thankful for the relationships and partnerships we have within the community to provide ways to meet the needs of feeding our families here.

If you would like to partner with us and contribute to a meal, please feel free to reach out to me at 352-396-8439. Above all, we give thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for continuing to meet needs as they arise within this ministry.
-written by our Samaritan Inn Director, John Draxinger
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