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Gina Grimes, Asst. Dir. PFCC

Salvation in a Sketch

"Our first calling isn't to raise Godly children, it's to be Godly parents." -Patrick Schwenk

The Pregnancy & Family Care Center is honored to partner with The Anthony House, a transitional housing facility for the homeless who are struggling with substance abuse. Their program is not faith-based and does not introduce them to the gospel, so we host weekly Bible studies and mentoring for single women and women with children from the facility to encourage them in their faith walk.

We were recently gifted this drawing from a participant's son, Connor (age 7), who was watching "The Cross" by Billy Graham with his mother while here at the center. It is a great reminder that what we do here impacts not only moms, but their children as well. If you would like to be involved with what we do here at the Pregnancy & Family Care Center, please call 352-787-8839 to learn more.

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