Recently, residents from the Women’s Care Center and the Samaritan Inn enjoyed a night of fun at the Christmas Parade in Downtown Leesburg. It was a beautiful night complete with plenty of floats with bright lights, marching bands, baton twirlers, people on rollerblades and lots of laughs. The ladies from the Women’s Care Center have gotten a chance to meet all of the families at the Samaritan Inn when they join them for dinner on Tuesday nights. They are also able to love on the kids and help with crafts! Although being away from family over the holidays is never easy, it is always nice spending time with their Christian Care Center family. For some, this is the closest thing to family that they have had in a while, and they love it!

If you would like to learn more about the Women’s Care Center, please contact our Women’s Care Center Director, Sherry Stewart, at (352) 787-8929.
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