Changing people, places and things is one of the top reasons for which ladies travel from out of state to enter the program at the Women’s Care Center. The idea behind changing people, places and things in recovery is to change the old habits of behavior and remove all distractions so they can better focus on themselves. Sometimes leaving home can be hard, especially around the holidays. Monthly visits with family members become almost nonexistent, simply because a long drive is hard to make for a five-hour visit. It may pose a financial hardship or maybe the time involved makes it impossible.

The Women’s Care Center does work with several ministries that are out of state, and they help to screen likely candidates. As always, bringing a new lady in is an exciting time and by the time the lady arrives, we have already talked with her many times. It is very important to assure a good fit prior to the arrival because of the distance traveled.
Last year Kyla traveled from out of state to begin the journey of becoming the woman God created her to be. Although Kyla fit right in with all the ladies, it was really difficult for her to be away from her mom and her dog. Kyla immersed herself in the Bible studies and classes and began to work with the addictions’ counselor. She began to understand her identity in Christ and to take pride in who she was. She had come from many toxic and abusive relationships, but she was able to move forward and successfully complete the program.
Kyla returned home recently, ready to take care of some legal issues and move forward with her life. Because of the spiritual growth and the tools that she obtained while here, we feel confident she will be successful in her future endeavors.

If you would like to learn more about the Women’s Care Center either for yourself or someone else, or to partner with us prayerfully or financially, contact the Women’s Care Center Director, Sherry Stewart, at (352) 787-8929.
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