“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:17).
Every year as Christmas approaches, the mood in the Christian Care Center’s Men’s Residence tends to shift. It’s hard being away from family especially when the men must be away from their children.
The men are giving their children the best gift they ever could by seeking help for themselves and getting right with God. This will bring much more joy to them than a toy but for the men not having anything to give their children rips their heart apart. They are already filled with guilt and shame from their addictions. BUT GOD!!
God had already laid in the hearts of a mother and daughter (Sally and Cynthia) to share the love of Jesus by reaching out and finding sponsors. They collected gifts for each child of the dads that are here at the residence and even provided wrapping paper for the guys to be able to wrap the gifts personally.

I don’t think words can express the gratitude in these men’s hearts because they were able to give their child their presents. I know because at one time I was one of them who was blessed to be able to bring something to my son. And God doesn’t stop there! These ladies also presented each resident here with a gift for themselves! A basket full of gifts!

We know that all good gifts come from God, but we are also so grateful for these women allowing themselves to be used by God to share His love! If you would like to partner with our Men’s Residence either by volunteering, donating or praying please email Jamie@christiancarecenter.org