We read in Ephesians 4:22-24,
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
Colton Weaver walked through the doors of the Christian Care Center’s Men’s Residence back in the beginning of November of 2020. When Colton arrived, alcohol had such a hold on him that he couldn’t stay sober long enough to make it down here so he had to be admitted into LifeStream for detox before we could accept him in. I remember driving Colton to detox – his hands shaking and the scent of alcohol still lingering, and I remember him telling me he really didn’t want anything to do with God.
Colton grew up in a Christian home, accepted the Lord in his life as a teenager and went through the motions for a while. As Colton got older, his relationship with God was traded for a relationship with alcohol. His identity was in his athletics and later his work. Colton married and had a child Oliver who is now 2. When his drinking and depression deepened, his marriage weakened to where they got divorced, sending Colton deeper into his addiction.
After losing his identity, his child, his marriage, and his joy Colton started seeking some counseling help. Unfortunately, the only help he received was medications leaving him still with nobody to talk with. For the first time in his life, Colton experienced what is thought to be alcohol-induced seizures twice, which really scared him and led him to the point of seeking treatment once again.
During Colton’s time at the Men’s Residence, he was beginning to really work up a hunger for God and His word. In early February, Colton began questioning if he truly did have a relationship with the Lord. He was reading a sermon on the narrow and wide road, and God pierced his heart. Colton found a peer leader and finally truly opened his heart to Jesus. Almost immediately, Colton began transforming from the inside. He experienced a pure sense of joy and peace as all his worries seemed to be lifted off his shoulders.
Even from the outside, Colton had a different countenance. He began hearing God’s call for him into Christian counseling. He knew there was a need since at one point, he himself was seeking some good counsel and was never given that opportunity. He was sick of psychiatry and knew the scriptural counseling he received here at the Christian Care Center was exactly what he wanted to share with others just like him.
Colton decided he was going to seek out his master’s degree at Liberty University and applied even while still in the program. Colton chose Liberty due to its Southern Baptist background, core values and even from opponents on the sport’s field he encountered in the past. A few days later, Colton was encouraged with his acceptance letter and felt true purpose and Identity in Christ for the first time. Colton wants to be the patient, thoughtful, encouraging counselor that he once sought after.

Even though Colton has completed the program, he still faces some struggles. He is here with no family and only the community he has gathered while being at the Christian Care Center. He is trusting God will provide a way financially to afford rent while he attends full time school since he will not be able to work overtime. Colton has a healthy fear of repeating the same patterns he has in the past but is allowing the Word of God to renew his mind and transform his life.
If you would like to find out how you could get connected with this life-changing ministry, either by partnering in prayer, finances or through volunteering, please email me at Jamie@ChristianCareCenter.org
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