James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” Christmas at the Christian Care Center Men’s Residence could sometimes be a somber holiday. When people think about blessing others for Christmas, usually the last place on most people’s minds is a men’s drug rehabilitation center. We often don’t think about the families affected by the addiction of the gentlemen in our program. The extra pressure on the mother of these children to provide on a daily basis along with the pressure of Christmas make things very difficult. For children, they don’t understand that their fathers are truly giving them the best gift they could ever ask for by getting sober; they just see it as Daddy is not here. I understand the feeling of shame and guilt laid on the fathers’ hearts, and I know personally it stings even more so on Christmas.

This year was a little different. After reading a post about our men here, a few people in our community decided they wanted to share the love of Christ this year inside our Men’s Center. Gifts were donated along with wrapping paper, so the dads here could have something to give to their children for the first time in years. The men had the blessing of shopping for some gifts and wrapping some gifts for their children. They were shipped and sent with cards to each child with no cost to our clients. And if that was not enough, every man here also received a gift basket to brighten their Christmas as the love of Christ was shared to each one of our clients as well. When a man is discipled, prayed over, sponsored, and loved here at the Men’s Residence, it does not just end with the client being affected; it often runs all the way down the family. Love covers a multitude of sins.

If you would like to be a part of what God is doing in the Men’s Residence, please email Jamie@ChristianCareCenter.org.

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