Earlier this week, we had a lady donate 40 blankets, 40 towels and 40 tents to our Benevolence Center! What a blessing this was to us, especially with the colder temperatures we are having this week. So many of our clients are in desperate need of these items to keep them warm. If you have some extra blankets, sheets, comforters, towels or tents that you would like to donate, we could really use them! Please drop them off at our Benevolence Center, located at 1308 W Main Street. If the Benevolence Center is closed, there is a drop box behind the building that you can use, and our staff and volunteers will empty it when they return.

CLICK HERE to give online or CLICK HERE to schedule a tour. #ccc #ChristianCareCenter #needy #meetingneeds #SharingChrist #livestransformed