We received this note from Pastor Cliff Lea, and we wanted to share it with you.

Meet Billy. He’s been at the Men’s Residence for a couple of weeks. When I met him, he told me that he heard about our ministry when he was in jail. That’s very common.
But then I got confused, because he said that he’s been in prison for the last six years and just got out. So, six years ago, Chaplain Pete told him about our Men’s Residence. Pete kept up with him via letters while he was in prison that whole time. As a matter fact, Billy wrote to me several times. I often get letters from prisoners who want to ask for my help or say they hope to come to the center. I generally try to write them back. But Billy wrote me several times, and today he showed me copies of some letters and cards I wrote to him. Once he showed me my letters, his story started sounding familiar.
Anyway, he is so happy to be at our Men’s Residence. And I think it’s really cool that one of our church members said something to him six years ago that stuck in his heart. And he’s been longing to be with us for years. I hope you get to meet Billy. He will brighten your day!
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