The Benevolence Center provides food, clothing and household items free of charge to needy Lake County residents. The program is designed to supply families with five days worth of food and eight articles of clothing per family member each month. As the largest food pantry in Lake County, the center serves an average of over 2,400 individuals each month, giving out over 160,000 pounds of food each month.
As a partner agency of Second Harvest, the Benevolence Center receives food donations from grocery and discount stores all around Lake County. Benevolence Center trucks make daily trips to participating stores to collect meat, bread, produce, eggs and packaged foods to stock the warehouse. Volunteers unload the donations and stock the shelves, refrigerators and freezers. Our food and clothing ministry serves the four residential facilities of the Christian Care Center with over 90,000 meals each year, Lake County residents in need and community partners who serve veterans, children, the elderly and other at-risk individuals.
The Benevolence Center services are free and available to all Lake County residents. On the first visit, a counselor begins a client chart with family information and documentation. Our appointment based system allows clients to meet with a counselor once per month to determine their current needs, make referrals for needs that are outside the scope of the Benevolence Center and offer to pray with them for any concerns that they may share.
Volunteers then select and package five days worth of food for each family, taking into account the number and ages of children, living situation and any dietary restrictions. Special care is taken to ensure that each client leaves with the necessities for at least five days of nutritious meals, as well as snacks and treats.
Clothing and household items are donated by partners from the surrounding community. Volunteers sort, clean and prepare these items for display in the clothes closet. Each client is able to select up to eight items of clothing per family member at each appointment. Dishes, bedding and other household items are available by request.

The Benevolence Center has moved into a newly renovated building. The new facility has a check-in / waiting area, four counseling rooms, office space, a clothing room, a food room and a work room. The warehouse space boasts a commercial walk-in refrigerator and freezer. The Benevolence Center is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 11:00 am.
The new facility has long been a dream of the Benevolence Center staff and volunteers. The new location for the Benevolence Center will increase the efficiency and effectiveness needed to meet the expanding need in our community. To partner with us on furnishing this building, please click here.

The Benevolence Center became a separate ministry of the CCC in 1991, but the practice of providing food and clothing to the needy dates back to the early 1980's when FBC gave clothing away from an upstairs closet at the church. The center later moved to an old wooden house and then in 1998 to a historic building that was originally a train depot. In 2003, the center entered into an alliance with Second Harvest Food Bank as a partner agency, allowing for substantial growth in the number of families that can be served. May of 2023 the Benevolence Center moved to its current location that boasts a large warehouse and 47 parking spots to serve those in need.

Volunteer partnership opportunities include:
Counsel clients
Make appointments and greet clients
Pack food for families
Help keep warehouse organized
Sort clothing and household supplies
Enter data into computer system
Fold plastic bags, sort eggs and bag rice
Partner financially toward daily operating costs
Donate clothing and household items
Partner financially toward non-perishable food purchases, allowing us to purchase 500% more food through Second Harvest than at local stores

The Benevolence Center staff consists of four positions:
The Director oversees all operations of the Benevolence Center, its programs, facilities and staff.
The Assistant Director oversees the daily operations of Benevolence Center.
The Warehouse Manager oversees collection and delivery, stocking and warehouse operations.
Drivers pick up donations and handle loading and of unloading food shipments.

Glenn Shires
Director | Benevolence Ministry
Glenn brings over 20 years of grocery experience and business ownership to lead Lake County's Largest Food Pantry, our Benevolence Center. His passion for helping people and sharing about the Lord comes through in everything he does. He and his wife Sonya live in Leesburg near their two grown kids.
Email Glenn at GlennShires@ChristianCareCenter.org
Visit Us: 118 North 14th Street, Leesurg, FL 34748
Download a PDF of the information above for your use
Fundraising Opportunity

If you, your group, or your church would like to participate in this year's Love Your Neighbor Food Drive click here for more information or contact our Benevolence Center directly @ 352-464-6373 or send an email to Glenn@christiancarecenter.org
Learn more about our Love Your Neighbor Food Drive by watching this video.