Baby Bottle Boomerang is a yearly fundraising campaign to benefit the Christian Care Centers, Pregnancy & Family Care Center. By filling a bottle, you are helping to provide free life-affirming services such as: pregnancy testing, parenting education, counseling, and baby supplies.

Fill a bottle, Change a life!
​Fill a bottle with a check, currency or coins
Make a check payable to Christian Care Center - Memo: Baby Bottle Boomerang Mail Checks 115 N. 13th Street Leesburg, FL 34748
Make an online donation by clicking here
The Pregnancy & Family Care Center is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus, ministering to women and their families involved in a crisis pregnancy. The Center provides FREE pregnancy tests, childbirth classes, and baby items that parents receive through our Earn While You Learn Program. They earn these baby items (diapers, formula, baby equipment, etc.) by attending parenting classes, receiving counseling, completing Bible Studies or discipleship materials. Counseling is also offered for women who are seeking forgiveness and healing from a past abortion.
We believe in wrap around care, to do life with our families. Once they come through our doors, we are here to walk alongside them, and our client advocates are available to help them navigate parenting.
What a blessing it is to celebrate the lives of precious babies who were saved this past year, as well as the moms and dads who decided to follow Christ! By filling the bottle, you will join a community that is dedicated to helping for God’s glory!
Because of donors like you, the Pregnancy & Family Care Center can make a difference in our community, impacting the parents and our future generation.

Fill a bottle, Change a life!
​Fill a bottle with a check, currency or coins
Make a check payable to Christian Care Center - Memo: Baby Bottle Boomerang Mail Checks 115 N. 13th Street Leesburg, FL 34748
Make an online donation by clicking here
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13
Would you consider partnering with us to make a difference in our community? By distributing simple little baby bottles that boldly proclaim God’s word and inviting others to fill them with checks or dollar bills, your group will enable us to continue the vital work to which God has called us.
The Baby Bottle Boomerang program is very simple to administer. There are two important criteria: first-publicize it and second-distribute baby bottles that are provided by the Pregnancy & Family Care Center to your group.
We are providing an opportunity for you and your church families to have hands-on involvement in a project that saves the lives of unborn children and makes an eternal difference in the mothers’ lives.
Our prayer is that your congregation or organization will become informed about the sanctity of life and feel they are making an impact on the lives of the people we serve thanks to your generosity!
For more information contact Hailey Burger at 352-787-9778 or Hailey@ChristianCareCenter.org